Sublunar Astrology


By Laurie Naughtin

Five Retrograde planets, I would say it’s time to reflect long and hard on how we are living our lives.

September will be slow and at time tedious, projects will be sluggish.

One thing that can speed things up is Mars in Gemini, our action planet Mars. Gemini can frustrate this energy as Mars finds it difficult to finish a task it has started due to Gemini’s changeable nature.

The lesson here is to use Mars’s ability to cut through distractions and try to focus by cutting through the distractions Gemini is so fond of throwing our way.

Mars will be in this sign till March year as he retrogrades; we may find opportunities, upsets and issues arising as I write this letter. Take careful note of the challenges as they will be the theme for the next 7 Months. I personally see this as a time where issues that arise, some that have been buried will surface and new challenges will present themselves.

The retrograde cycle will start off introducing challenges. You will have to face your problems, see your truth, so that by next year you can have a positive plan which should resolve your fears and feelings of entrapment. We have time to step by step manage our situations as they are exposed to us.

Looking at the 3 very slow moving outer planets that are currently retrograde, they move so slowly that this does not have any great immediate effect on us, if they do connect with any of our planets they will prompt you to act in that area of our life.

These planetary retrogrades can help us by discovering deep truths that have been hidden in our sub conscious. Uranus helps us see and understand the truth that Neptune has revealed, albeit good or bad. Pluto bring us the ability to let go of the past enabling us to use Pluto’s power to transform.

Uranus and Neptune are known for their chaotic, unpredictable and shocking changes. When retrograde the haze seems to lessen and we are able to look with more clarity accept things for the way they are, good, bad or ugly. Pluto will allow us time to look at what we are hiding away from and deal with our fears.

On a collective level we now need to deal with the darkness that has shaken up the world in the form of the Coronavirus, wars, poverty and worldwide protests. Neptune retrograde lifts the murky veil that has hidden so much corruption, devastation, illness and harm we are doing to this planet.

We can see things for what they really are, both personally, within our environment and within the world. The world is not a happy place, life is a struggle and we can no longer hide from these situations and just hope they will resolve. We do need to be proactive.

Saturn and Jupiter are also retrograde they can certain help us relook at the path we are taking so we can be equipped to deal with the inevitable changes that are continuing to come. We need to make real tangible changes and to work with this energy to come out of this darkness with a more powerful, honest and positive perspective of how we are to move forward.

Saturn is how we can use discipline to bring back some structure which will trigger Jupiter’s energy to bring about the motivation to take action for growth.

Mars the pioneer is triggering thoughts in Gemini, and as he retrograde will bring to light what is not moving in the right direction. With every Mars upset we get a chance to try and try again during his long retrograde journey in Gemini.

Mercury is also retrograde this Month, oh joy! Mercury is retrograde in Libra; Mercury in Libra is focused on a mental and emotional plane in relationships. Libra is also about balance, a balanced point of view. In relationships we have opposing opinions, Libra wants harmony and that only happens when we learn to agree with each other.

During this retrograde period of Mercury we may even find ourselves re-connecting with past lovers, or business partners. It is certainly not advisable to form a new partnership, but a great time to repair a situation that is not working well or to make plans to let go of the partnership.

In a way this is a great time to see what connections or contracts are no longer serving you, find a service provider or partner that will better suite you needs. Remember only sign them on in October when Mercury is direct.

We are certainly revising our security options, changing to a company better suited to our needs. Doing the research to see if we are compatible during this retrograde is brilliant timing.


As it is spring time in the southern hemisphere, what a brilliant time to spring clean our very own bodies.

Exercise in the form of a good cardio workout gets you to sweat out your toxins, replace this with lovely fresh spring water and already your body will be zinging with a new energy.

I was fascinated to find out that simple cayenne pepper’s active ingredient, capsaicim, it can hinder fat storage and promotes weight loss. In some small studies it has been known to decrease hunger.

Adding ginger, cayenne pepper, and juice of one lemon plus some grated lemon rind into drinking water or smoothies will really help you to cleanse your liver.

Lemon is a great antioxidant; in the skin of the lemon we find d-limonene which really cleanses the liver as well as stimulating the formation of natural healthy liver enzymes.

Hmmm it seems this above mix will be great for hangovers as well.

Happy spring cleaning to you all