Sublunar Astrology

Prince William of Cambridge

Natal Chart

21 June 1982



D Pearmain08 July 2022

Prince William of Cambridge turned forty in June so I thought it would be interesting to analyse his natal chart.

This chart has no personal planets in the eastern hemisphere so William is dependent on others. All but two of the planets, Mercury and Venus are below the horizon so he leads a very visible life.In William’s chart there is overwhelming emphasis on the second quadrant. According to Lilly it is the estival (belonging to summer), feminine, youthful, choleric quarter.

The planets in his chart are in a mix of air and water signs with only Venus in earthy Taurus. The Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are on the angles so they all have power to act (strong accidental dignity). William was born on the day of the summer solstice a significant event in the northern hemisphere. A partial solar eclipse also occurred on that day some hours before his birth although it was not visible from London. The significance of his birth should not be underestimated. Water signs are fertile, sensitive, intuitive and in the case of Scorpio, intense. Air signs are thoughtful, analytical, communicative and sociable.

Sagittarius is rising which means he is signified by the planet of kings – Jupiter. This planet sitsretrograde on his MC at the top of the chart just outside the cusp of his 10th house in Scorpio. Jupiter therefore has power over his 10th house of career but brings with it 9th house concerns. The ninth house rules the church, religion, holidays, foreign travel and spiritual journeys. It is also concerned with higher education, legal advisors and justice. In the case of the British monarchy, it is strongly tied to the Church of England. The reigning monarch is considered the head or governor of that church and the Queen swore loyalty to it at her coronation.Ninth and tenth house issues are therefore deeply personal to him.

Jupiter is the natural ruler of the 9th in terms of the Chaldean order of the planets but in cold watery Scorpio it is uncomfortable with no essential dignity. However, its close proximity to the tenth house cusp gives it strong accidental dignity.The triplicity rulers of Scorpio by day are Venus and the Moon according to Dorotheus. Jupiter in Scorpio is ruled by warlike Mars which is also posited in William’s 9th house but in Libra where it is in its detriment.The fact that Libra, the Scales, is on the cusp of the 9th house further emphasises the importance to William of justice, harmony, balance and fairness. These principles are not of purely legal concern as they are also moral and philosophical issues. However, William also has a less obvious planetary ruler – Saturn. His first house is intercepted with Sagittarius on the cusp and Capricorn in the middle. His Saturn in Libra is exalted in his ninth house. He may be affable and jovial but he has a hidden strict side to his nature that values discipline, his personal boundaries and private philosophical and spiritual beliefs.

With Mars in Libra in the 9th, William is inclined to fight for justice and become angry in the face of injustice and disharmony. Mars can also behave badly in Libra because it is still a malefic and does not like being under the thumb of Venus.

Saturn is also in Libra in the 9th house where it is exalted. Tradition is important to William and he understands the need for propriety, rules, boundaries and restrictions involving 9th house issues. His own childhood was loving but restricted by Saturn in many ways because his Venus exalts Saturn. Saturn rules his intercepted first house which indicates he has a strong need for privacy and he can be quite self-disciplined. It also rules his second house of his wealth, resources and self-worth. Since it is exalted in Libra,this can mean good fortune but also personal and financial boundaries and restrictions.

William is quite self-contained and there is a strict side to him that is not obvious. Saturn is not a big spender by any means and can be quite miserly. However, within his second intercepted house sits Pisces ruled by expansive Jupiter who is a big spender which suggests he will experience some internal conflict in the area of his finances. Saturn’s frugality does not sit well with Jupiter’s generosity.

Sagittarius is a fire sign with its sights always set on the horizon and can be philosophically idealistic.It is broad-minded, jovial, generous and enthusiastic and at times irreverent, making fun of societal conventions and rules. Its expansive ruler Jupiter does not like to be restricted. Sagittarius rising is a forward planner, always thinking about the future. They can be very persistent, almost aggressive in pursuing their goals but are also adaptable to changing circumstances and always focus on the bigger picture. This means that they are not too concerned about the details. William’s Sagittarian fieriness is somewhat dampened by the influence of Scorpio on his Jupiter.

His Sun is in nurturing, sensitive Cancer in the intercepted 7th house. Relationships are the other driving factor in William’s life and are where his vital energy is invested.The Moon is conjunct the Sun in his seventh house also in Cancer. Because Cancer is somewhat private and hidden from view, people may not always understand or appreciate how deeply he feels about relationships. Gemini is the ostensible ruler of his 7th house with Mercury sitting in the 5th in Gemini. He therefore comes across in relationships as thoughtful but mercurial and possibly unpredictable, especially to those who do not know him well.William is very private when it comes to his thoughts and feelings about relationships.

The Moon rules supreme in his intercepted seventh house and so his Sun is not too comfortable there. His brain (the Sun) is ruled by his heart (the Moon) and he may react on an instinctive emotional level rather than overly analytically as Mercury at first suggests. However,Mercury in Gemini does act as a filter for the emotional lunar energy to some degree and he is not likely to be as openly emotionally demonstrative or temperamental as he might be otherwise.

Cancer has a hard outer exterior that belies the softness within. There is hidden power in water signs and they are generally very deep. Cancer as cardinal water is loyal, family oriented, sympathetic, reflective and capable of forming strong bonds with friends and family. It has a defensive shell against open enemies into which it retreats when threatened and can take a while to emerge again.

Mercury also represents his wife. She influences the manner in which he approaches relationships and expresses his vital energy. In his fifth house in Gemini, her love of children and playfulness is evident and she helps him lighten up and communicate in relationships.Taurus sits on his fifth house cusp so loving passionate Venus rules his wife even though she is in Gemini. She is very involved with their children being in the same house as them and is strong and intelligent in the sign of her rulership. She also has power over William’s 6th house of sickness, weakness and affliction. It is also the house of his servants, au pairs and pets. It is not a bad placement for a wife who runs her husband’s domestic life.

Venus is also present in his fifth house in Taurus where she rules. Since Venus also rules Libra in which his Mars and Saturn are situated in his ninth house his children are connected to his ninth house which is so important to him. The significance of succession is thus highlighted in the chart of this royal. He takes pleasure in his offspring but knows they are tied up in matters of tradition and rules. He may have strict rules in matters concerning his children because of Saturn in Libra. While Venus in the fifth house is in her joy as well as her rulership, she exalts Saturn in the 9th house.

His children themselves are represented by Venus in Taurus. They are in the house of their rulership. They are beautiful children who can be stubborn and headstrong. However they respect authority (Saturn).

Ironically Jupiter also signifies William’s secret enemies as Sagittarius sits on his 12th house cusp. He can really be his own worst and unconscious enemy, something he is probably not aware of.

His father is represented by Venus and his mother is represented by Mars in his chart – a turbulent union. His energetic beautifulmother in her detriment in Libra never stood a chance against his father in earthy Taurus, the house of his rulership. The fact that Venus is in his fifth house shows his father was actively involved in his childhood. However, his Jupiter in Scorpio adores Mars nonetheless – Mars ruled by Venus, his father,who clearly made her unhappy.

Interestingly his brother, Harry, is also signified by Mars. Harry, the spare heir, is clearly not happy at being dominated by his father Venus and resents him. Harry’s importance to William is clearly indicated by Jupiter in Scorpio and his aggression towards the royal family in general and William himself would not have sat well with that Sun and Moon in Cancer. William appears to have retreated into his shell as far as Harry is concerned and is showing no signs of coming out soon.Harry’s strong identification with Diana is also evident from William’s chart. His mother and his brother are both represented by Mars in Libra.

William has an unusually high number of fixed stars in his chart. His ascendant is conjunct the Galactic Centre, a black hole known as Sagittarius A*, and the star Eltamin. His Mercury is conjunct Ain and Aldebaran, his Moon is conjunct Tejat Posterior, his Venus is conjunct Algol, his MC is conjunct Princeps and his Mars is conjunct Vindemiatrix. In addition, his Pluto in the 9th house in Libra is conjunct Spica and Arcturus, while Uranus in his 11th house in Scorpio is conjunct Dschubba and Yed Prior.

The fixed stars can generally be both a blessing and a curse. Very few of them are purely fortunate. Spica is one. Some of them, such as Algol, are usually more of a curse than a blessing.

ASC is conjunct Etamin which means Great Serpent. It is the right eye of the constellation Draco the Dragon and has a Saturn-Jupiter nature supporting his Jupiterian ASC. It is dignified, conservative, acquisitive, pious and retentive. It denotes strong mental concentration and a liking for solitude. Interestingly Etamin lies almost exactly on the zenith of Greenwich from which world time is measured and is circumpolar, meaning it never sets. However, there is a danger of dishonour, downfall and loss of prestige.

Mercury, his wife, is conjunct Ain and Aldebaran. Ain is a member of the Hyades star group and represents the northern eye of Taurus the Bull. The Hyades are six sisters who weep for the death of their brother who drowned in a well. They water the earth with their tears as rain. His relationships with others can therefore bring him heartache and loss. They have a Venusian influence. Robson says they give tears, violence, sudden events, fierceness, head wounds or injuries by instruments, weapons or fever and contradictions of fortune. Ebertin says they give a staggering increase in the sexual urge, a dissolute life, excessive and licentious ways. In the fifth house of sexual pleasures, his Mercury conjunct Ain in the fifth house means William is capable of having other sexual partners and extramarital affairs, bringing his wife to tears.If he is wise, he will avoid them.

Aldebaran is the right eye of the Bull. Aldebaran is a highly fortunate star and one of the four royal stars of Persia. It portends riches and honour for William in his relationships. Robson says it gives honour, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a responsible position, public honours and gain and power of wealth though others.

William’s wife is clearly not someone to be messed with as Aldebaran has a warlike quality.His wife also has power over his relationships with others. However, the star’s benefits seldom prove lasting and there is danger of violence and sickness. WithMercury it influences domestic affairs, health, prominence in material matters, material gain and many learned friends (Robson).

His powerful Cancerian Moon is conjunct Tejat Posterior which is of the nature of Mercury and Venus. It gives force, energy, power and protection. The star is courteous, orderly, sweet-tempered, affable, artistic, refined, clever in Gemini and elegant and gives honour and riches.

His Venus is conjunct Algol a most unfortunate star so he could ‘lose his head’ over his children or his children themselves may lose their heads. This does not mean physically necessarily. The star has a strong historical association with violence. It is of the nature of Jupiter and Saturn and causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, execution and mob violence.

His father is also Venus conjunct Algol which may be unfortunate for Charles. In a sense he has already ‘lost his head’ over a woman, destroying his marriage to Diana, the mother of his children in the process.The British public was more than a little angry with him over his conduct and Diana’s death caused a marked fall in his popularity and indeed that of the entire Royal family for many years.

Her sons do a great deal to keep her memory alive. From a symbolical perspective in William’s chart, his mother, the Moon eclipsed his father the Sun on the day of his birth and did so even after her death. She threatened the entire monarchy with her public popularity because she connected with the common people in a way that no other royals did. The Queen’s behaviour around her death has been described as cold and spiteful and caused major rows between her and Charles over Diana’s funeral which were reported in the press. Her death shed an unwelcome light on the dark side of the British royal family -Algol in action on William’s Venus which also rules his home, his ancestry and his country (4th house).

There is a positive side to Algol as Jamie Partridge ( points out. He says if the native lives life with an honest sense of purpose to it, a desire at least to try to live up to some kind of philosophy, religion or ideal then all will go well. At this stage Algol is a warning to William to be a wise counsellor to his children to avoid bereavement. Italso signifies William’s own enormous childhood bereavement on the premature death of his mother, how he has dealt with it and assisted others in dealing with it. He recommended that Harry seek professional help.

The star Princeps is on his MC. It means Prince or Prime which is very fitting for William’s royal career. It is of the nature of Mercury and Saturn, giving a subtle, studious, keen and profound mind with the ability for research but can often be a shameless liar. If he does his job well, he will become king unless he sabotages himself by being his own worst enemy. His Part of Fortune is in his first house so he makes his own luck.

Mars, his redheadedbrother Harry, is conjunct Vindemiatrix.It is of the nature of Saturn and Mercury and signifies a profound liar, thief, blackguard, scandal and slander. Harry’s Oprah interview and his aggressive disloyalty to his family in seeking to air their linen, dirty or not, in public is thus not surprising. Claiming he wanted to live a private life with his wife and children, he broke with tradition and his family and went to live in the US.However, he apparently seeks publicity at every turn because that seems to be the only way he can make enough money to support his lavish lifestyle.

That publicity is garnered purely from the status of his royal familyconnectionson which he seeks to trade since he is a repressed, ill-dignified Mars in Libra and a fairly unremarkable individual in his own right. Vindemiatrix gives falsity, disgrace, stealing, wanton folly and often causes its natives to become widows.Harry’s wife has clearly played a significant role in Harry’s slanderous, dishonest and disloyal behaviour to his family since he is in hisown seventh house in William’s chart. His wife, also signified by Venus, rules him to his detriment and he will no doubt come to resent that in time if he doesn’t already.

Mars also rules William’s 10th and 11th houses indicating Harry’s power to harm William’s career and his alliances, social circle, hopes, wishes and aspirations.With Mars, Vindemiatrix results in increased power of thought, tending sometimes to sarcasm and polemics. A danger of injury is also indicated by Vindemiatrix with Mars. William is well advised not to trust his brother.Vindemiatrix conjunct Mars is rash, headstrong, indiscreet, energetic, trouble through law, business and friends. Mars in Libra exalts Saturn which rules William’s intercepted first house and his non-public persona.

Harry resents the fact that William’s children (also Venus) take precedence over him.He is under the rulership of Venus, his home, his ancestry, his country and his father and will never be able to make a clean break from them.He still wants to be recognized and visible as a royal as evidenced by his position near the top of William’s chart. Mars in Libra is a malefic capable of behaving badly and William needs to be very careful of Mars’ influence over himself (Jupiter), his career, his friends,hopes and dreams.He needs to exercise his deep Saturnian persona to protect himself from Mars.